Helping busy women overcome obstacles, regain control, and create change in their lives.


The responsibilities on your plate seem never-ending.

You’re a woman who’s known for getting things done, somehow balancing your career, a social life, your romantic relationships, and your family. But lately you’re noticing that continuing to juggle all of this is coming at the expense of something else: yourself.

You might feel unmotivated where you used to be driven, filled with worry or stress where you used to feel in control, or self-critical where you used to be confident. You just know that something’s off, and you know you’ve got to do something about it.


Hey. I’m Kalen.

I believe you’re allowed to put yourself at the top of your to-do list.

When you’re a woman who’s used to the go-go-go of everyday life, or when it feels like everyone else is needing something from you, it can be really easy to neglect your own needs. I want to help you get back in touch with yourself and what actually matters to you—so you can show up as the woman, partner, friend, employee, and mom you truly want to be.

My approach to therapy is goal-driven. Sessions with me aren’t just talking, they’re about taking action: learning tools, practicing skills, and ultimately providing you with strategies you can start putting into action in your day-to-day life.

Learn more about working with me >



Tired of overthinking and second-guessing yourself?

I’ll help you learn how to manage anxious thoughts and challenge the unhelpful beliefs you have about yourself.


Do you feel like you no longer recognize yourself?

We’ll work on putting you back in control of your emotions, increasing motivation, and reconnecting to yourself.


Are you feeling overwhelmed, resentful or burnt out?

I’ll help you identify and verbalize what you need, learn how to decompress, and improve your relationships.

Let’s dive in.

Seeing results from therapy starts with working with the right therapist. To decide if I’m the right fit for you, I offer a free, no-obligation consultation. We’ll use this time to get to know one another, answer any questions you have, and discuss next steps.


I offer support to fit your (already-busy) schedule.

I provide in-person sessions to clients living in or near Gainsville, as well as convenient, private online therapy to women living anywhere in Florida.

You’re worth it.